Grain Trading

By effectively using producer data inputs in the Grain Trade, we provide Quality and Cost-effective grain supply for our Customers.



Wheat is one of the most commonly grown and consumed grains worldwide. This cereal can be cultivated in a variety of climate conditions and is an essential food source globally. Wheat is used to make flour, which in turn is used to produce bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, and many other baked goods. It's also used in malt production and plays a significant role in the production of many alcoholic beverages. Wheat is high in carbohydrates and also provides a significant amount of protein and fiber. It also contains many essential minerals and vitamins, such as B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Wheat can also be found in several different forms: whole wheat that includes the entire grain, white wheat that contains only the endosperm, and sprouted wheat that has been germinated through a special process.

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Popular cultivated grass with a planting date of more than 10 thousand years. Barley is actively used in the production of a wide range of products other than feed. Separately, it is worth noting that this grain is widely used in classic brewing. The nutritional value of this culture is its rich protein content necessary for cellular structure.

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Widespread agriculture used for food and feed purposes. The main natural advantages of corn are the high content of potassium, phosphorus and vitamins of the deficient group. Corn is also used as an effective cholinergic agent in traditional medicine and pharmacology. The production of corn oil and flour is another aspect of the absolute usefulness of this crop for the food industry.

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Sunflower Oil

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower is an important agricultural product known for both its aesthetic appearance and its benefits. Sunflower, whose scientific name is Helianthus annuus, is grown over a wide area worldwide. Sunflower plays an important role in agricultural production. Sunflower seeds are a nutritious food source for both humans and animals. Sunflower seeds contain high amounts of protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. These seeds are also used for sunflower oil production. Sunflower oil is a commonly used oil in the kitchen and provides a range of health benefits, especially supporting heart health.

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Palm Oil

Palm Oil

Palm oil is a widely used vegetable oil obtained from the fruits of palm trees that grow especially in tropical regions. This species of palm, scientifically known as Elaeis guineensis, is cultivated primarily in Southeast Asia and Africa. Palm oil is preferred in many kitchens and in food production because it remains stable at high temperatures. It is used in many processed food products like margarine, ice cream, and chocolate. It is also used in cosmetics and personal care products, detergents, and even in biodiesel production. Palm oil contains high amounts of saturated fats and should be used carefully as part of a suitable diet for heart health. It also contains significant amounts of vitamin E and beta-carotene.

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Soybean is the seed of a plant species known by the scientific name Glycine max. This plant, originally from Asia, is cultivated worldwide. Soybeans are highly nutritious due to their high protein content and significant amounts of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Also, as a source of plant protein, they are commonly used to produce meat alternatives and dairy products. Various processes can be applied to soybeans to produce many different products, such as soy oil, soy flour, tofu, soy milk, miso, tempeh, and soy protein. Soy oil is one of the most widely used vegetable oils worldwide. Additionally, soy is an important component in the production of animal feed.

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Soybean Meal

Soybean Meal

Soybean meal is the product left after oil has been extracted from soybeans. It is typically used as animal feed because it is high in protein and plays a crucial role in the nutrition of animals used for meat, milk, and egg production. Soybean meal can contain up to 44% protein from the soybean. As such, it is a valuable source of protein, especially for ruminants and poultry. Soybean meal also contains a range of important minerals, including phosphorus and potassium. Soybean meal is also used as fish feed, especially in fish farms. Because it is rich in certain amino acids vital for fish, it supports the growth and development of fish. However, care should be taken when using soybean meal to check whether the product was made from genetically modified soybeans (GMOs). There are some concerns about the use of GMO products, and this could regulate the use of soybean meal.

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